Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The long and windings road.

I love the summer, it brings out sunshine and warmth in the world and revives your soul from the long and cold winter. I am back in my hometown in Illinois right now looking at the house I grew up in through a window. The house that I lost my first tooth in, transitioned from elementary to middle to high school in, laughed, cried, caused trouble, and found my way in. It's odd to think that a structure that holds so many memories and milestones in my life is steps away but unattainable at the same time. I am in a house that has fond memories of thanksgivings, laughter, and childhood mischief in. I am back to start looking at a new chapter in my life, a chapter filled with uncertainty but excitement. I am looking forward to finding a place I can call my home to discover myself as I pursue my calling into ministry. I will be embarking on a once in a lifetime road trip with two people who mean the world to me, a blood sister, and a sister who has ties like blood. I will be posting pictures, thoughts, and stories through this journey and am excited to see what I decided and who I become after this adventure. 

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