Friday, June 28, 2013

Midwest storms to calm my soul

It has been raining in Illinois every day since I have been here. I call this a sign, one thing I desperately miss about the midwest is the visceral thunderstorms that just don't happen in Oregon. If you have not experienced a midwest storm I say put it on your bucket list because there is something reviving about a storm here. It does not drizzle all day in a grey gloom, you get pouring rain sometimes with some blue sky, loud loud thunder and if you are lucky electric feeling lightning strikes that illuminate a once sunny early afternoon. Those elements dance along the sky and remind you about how large the world we live in really is, and the smell after the rain is a mixture of wet mulch and flowers that oddly work putting a smile on your face and frizz in your hair. I call myself lucky to have heard some of these awesome nature rock concerts the last few days. It has been an adventure though dogsitting two adorable pups who are both not fans of thunder. Mabel due to her giant pony like size is in no way suitable for my lap so just kind of drools, pants, paces, and whimpers before even thinking of sitting down. Bennie on the other hand is the size of Mabels head and can fit perfectly on my lap so will sit there kind of shaking but just happy I am taking control of his teeny tiny furry body. Even for them when the storm calms we all renew, I am grateful for the rain soaked smell and blue sky and they are grateful that the Greek Gods in the sky have stopped bowling for the time being. There is something  comforting about writing and reading with two dogs by your side sleeping and peaceful on a stormy day with a fan on and curled up in a blanket. The small things like this make the days special and the nights magical.
My partners in crime for this stormy week Mabel and Bennie.

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