Sunday, November 24, 2013

Orange juice guilt.

So I am sometimes a little overly cautious about where my food is being sourced from. I want a true ethical product for all involved. If you know me you know that I take immigration reform insanely seriously and will not support any company that treats workers poorly. Well most orange farms treat their employees almost like slave laborers and pay them pennies. It is insane to me to be able to drink your orange juice without feeling guilty as to where this came from. I know it is just juice but still, buying and consuming just one product is perpetuation the cycle and making the product in demand. Why is it so hard to have human equity? We have stickers that show products are animal cruelty free, why not human cruelty free?

Monday, November 18, 2013

I am on a soapbox tonight

So I try to keep my social politics to myself for the most part. This is until someone does something so INCREDIBLY DUMB that I need to call them out. That person would be Mr. Lorenzo Garcia at the University of Texas. He is representing the the Young Conservatives of Texas and supporting a 'catch an illegal immigrant day'. Seriously? Really? You think that is appropriate? Walking around campus making students show their id's and then taking them to immigration services and then receiving a $25 gift card. Look, I am not one to judge what you do in your spare time...well that is until you decide you need to take the law into your own hands. Even if that is a non-violent hand. What is that student doing to you? Why do we need multiple Joe Arpio's? One of him is already too many. Let us look back to 1492 when we were 'discovering' land and then immigrated and pillaged here. I am sure the Native Americans would have liked to put up borders and kept us out but we were bigger, stronger, and had more small pox blankets than they did. We have not learned our lessons yet because as a mixing pot country we should be embracing the fact that people want to come here for a better life and not acting like complete assholes and calling them aliens while dehumanizing them and throwing them back to a country they left for reasons, or don't know at all because their family brought them here as infants. I pray that we all get some compassion injections in us soon because we need some compassionate immigration reform. We don't need bigger or larger walls, we need to tear those walls down. We don't need to be afraid of other cultures, we need to embrace them. We don't need to shun anything that is different, we need to welcome change. Seriously America, (wo)man the fuck up.